
Find the Best Local Summer Camps for Your Kids - 2014

March 20, 2014

With Spring just around the corner and only a few months until Summer, warmer and sunnier days are on the way.   Which means it's that time again.  Time to prepare for summer vacation, lots of free time for you to entertain, enrich, and exhaust your kids.  It's time for the 5th Annual Macaroni Kid Summer Camp Guide.

Check out some of the fabulous SUMMER CAMPS we have in our area!  We are lucky to have amazing options for kids of all ages and interests.  These camps are ready for you to register today or will be very soon!

And use our handy-dandy printable Summer Planning Calendar to make sure you don't miss a thing or overlap camps and activities!  

Two Page Version | One Page Version

Here is a link to the entire Summer Camp Directory (new camps will be added each month).

Or you can browse and click images:







If you aren't quite ready to think about summer camps, we will have a camp guide link every week until June 26th.  We will continue to bring you a wide variety of local camps to make sure you're informed and ready to make this all-important decision!


Are you a local summer camp that would like to be a Macaroni Kid Featured Summer Camp in our directory? We reach almost 5,000 weekly subscribers with our newsletter ... all local parents!  Our next Camp Guide publishes on March 25th (dedicated email), April 17th, May 29th and June 26th, but there will be links to all the camps each week.  Don't miss out!  Contact us today! If you'd like your camp to be included, please email us: