
Natural Bug Repellents

June 23, 2011
Pesky bugs can pretty much ruin a good time.  However, I am not a big fan of chemical-laden bug sprays.  I would much rather ward off ... with something natural.  I did a little online research and found a few chemical-free solutions to a typical camping trip buzz-kill ... pun intended!

Pure Vanilla Extract - Dab a little on you wrists, neck and behind the ears. Many insects don’t like the smell.

Bug Off Mist - Mix witch hazel with a few drops of tea tree oil, lavender oil, or peppermint oil in a squirt bottle.

Lavender - Rub a lavender flower behind your ears, wrists and neck.  Not only will you smell great but mosquitoes will leave you alone.

This last one is not chemical-free, but it is a unique use of a household item.  Put a dryer sheet in your pocket or tie it around your belt loop.  We don't know why this works, but we hear lots of reports of this working to keep mosquitoes, bees, and even ants away!

In case you're still looking for a marketed, tested product, we found two we'd like to try on a website called ConsumerSearch.

Repel Lemon Eucalyptus
Derived from Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, this plant-based insect repellent has been proven to be effective against mosquitoes, deer ticks and no-see-ums for up to six hours.  However, it is not recommended for children under 3 years old.

Bite Blocker
Made with plant-based ingredients including soybean oil and geranium oil, Bite Blocker is the safest natural repellent for children - even children as young as two months old. In fact, its use is recommended by the American Pediatrics Academy.

Bug Off Me
Created by a company based in Maple Valley, WA; Bug-Off-Me is an all-natural insect repellent made with organic ingredients. This all-natural bug repellent uses 100% pure, steam-distilled, organic essential oils instead of harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals.