
Firework Safety


June 28, 2012

Unlike New Years, the 4th of July has many families wanting to prepare their own mini-shows in their neighborhoods.  Before you possibly break the law (and that would really ruin the evening of fun), CHECK OUT THE OFFICIAL FIREWORKS DISCHARGE LAWS FOR YOUR AREA...this info is from the State Fire Marshall.

Of course, with fireworks, comes safety concerns...please see the list below for more information:

  • Use only approved, legal, and common fireworks from reliable Washington State and King County Fire Marshal licensed retailers.
  • Always have a responsible adult light all fireworks.
  • Have a charged garden hose or a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Use fireworks under outdoor conditions only, away from buildings, houses with wood shingles, trees, and dry fields.
  • Avoid aerial type fireworks.
  • Light one item at a time, move away quickly, and keep a safe distance away.
  • Dispose of used fireworks by first soaking them in water.
  • Ensure the safety of pets.
  • Use eye protection.
  • Remember your neighbors and clean up all debris.
  • If a device does not light or fire, an adult should wait at least a minimum of five minutes before approaching the device.
  • Remember, if it has a stick or fins and it goes up or if it blows up, it is illegal in Washington State.
  • Rather than buying fireworks, attend a public fireworks display when available and make that a family tradition.
  • For more information on what is legal and what is not, please click here.