Halloween comes just once a year. As a result Halloween costumes, well, they get worn one time … maybe twice if there’s a younger sibling willing to wear it another year. Chances are, your costumes are still in good enough shape to be passed along to another child. From that simple idea, every kid’s favorite holiday just got more parent- and planet-friendly, thanks to the launch of National Costume Swap Day.
Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid is partnering with local business Small Threads to bring this exciting national event to Issaquah. A costume swap is recycling at its most fun. Kids get new-to-them costumes, and parents get to save money and the planet. Through the efforts of a grassroots, non-profit known as Green Halloween®, families in the area are being invited to take a greener approach to Halloween. Something as simple as a costume swap does make a difference. In fact, swapping the costumes of only half of the children who celebrate Halloween would reduce annual landfill waste by 6,250 tons, equivalent to the weight of 2500 midsize cars.
Drop off your swap-able costumes at Small Threads during business hours the week of October 2nd – 8th. In exchange for your costume(s) you will be given a Swap Ticket to be brought back for the event on October 9th from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. During the event, participants will also be treated to a 20% discount on all Small Thread merchandise; that’s right, you can swap and then shop! To sweeten the deal even more, Adventure Kids Playcare is opening an hour early and offering one free hour of childcare during the two hours of the swap. To receive this special offer, the Swap Ticket must be presented at time of drop-off and regular rates will apply for additional time.
Expect a few goodies from Green Halloween and Macaroni Kid, too!