
Back-to-School Sleep Transition

By Rebecca Michi, Children's Sleep Consultant August 15, 2013
September is just around the corner and we need to think about getting ready for school. There are a lot of things we need to think about ... backpacks, lunch boxes, pens and pencils. We also need to think about getting our children’s sleep back on track.

Recent studies show that children who get a good nights sleep each night have an easier time  learning at school, making friends and regulating their emotions. These are things we want for our children each and every day.  As we near the start of school we need to slowly begin to get our children onto their school sleep schedules. It’s always a good idea to start with your goal.

What time does your child need to be up and out of bed in the morning? You can then work back and see what time they need to be asleep each night. Here’s a guide to the average amount of sleep children should get each night,

Preschoolers should get between 11 and 13 hours of sleep per 24 hours (they are usually still napping).

Elementary school students need between 10 and 11 hours of sleep each night. If your kindergartener needs to be up at 7am they should be asleep between 8pm and 9pm. let your child guide you as to how much sleep they need each night, do they seem tired and grumpy through the day? Do you struggle to wake them in the morning? If so, an earlier bedtime may be in order.

Now you know what your child’s sleep schedule will be when they are at school, now compare it to the sleep schedule they have now. How different is it? Do you need to make some big changes to bedtime? If so, you want to start now! Gradually bring bedtime earlier; this can be 10 or 15 minutes earlier every second night. You’ll also want to make sure to make wake up time 10 or 15 minutes earlier in the morning.

Gradually shifting your child’s sleep schedule will mean they are ready to learn on the first day of school giving their teacher a wonderful first impression of how they will be during the school year, well rested and ready to learn.

Rebecca Michi lives in Seattle, with my husband, daughters (aged 9 and 8 - only 14 months apart) and their Basset Hound Pickles.  She loves teaching parents how to teach their children to fall asleep independently and without ever having to leave them to cry-it-out. 

Find out more about Rebecca Michi, Parenting consultant at
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